YA-NewsWatcher is almost out of memory. You should close some windows now, or you might crash.
Canceling article %ld of %ld.
Section %ld of %ld
None of the referenced articles could be opened, because they do not exist on the news server.
Some of the referenced articles could not be opened, because they do not exist on the news server.
This article has no references.
YA-NewsWatcher Prefs
The referenced article does not exist on the news server.
Article %ld of %ld in thread %s
Canceling article.
You cannot cancel this article, because you are not the author.
The article cannot be canceled because it does not contain a “Message-ID” header line.
You have more than one copy of this helper program on your system. The one you selected is not the one that will be used. See Appendix A of the user document for details.
Could not find URL helper program.
There is not enough memory to complete the current command or operation [@ %ld].
Authorization failed - incorrect username or password.
Initializing Open Transport.
Sorting full group list.
Reading full group list.
Checking for new groups.
Checking for deleted groups.
The clipboard contains too much text to paste into this field.
No deleted groups.
Getting full group list from server.
New Groups
Full Group List
The selected group was not opened, because it contains no unread articles.
The selected group was not opened, because it contains no articles.
None of the selected groups were opened, because they contain no unread articles.
None of the selected groups were opened, because they contain no articles.
1 group, %ld selected
%ld groups, %ld selected
Show Full Group List
Hide Full Group List
Show Details
Hide Details
In article
(by way of %s)
«No Subject»
One article was not canceled, because you are not the author.
Extra news header lines:
Extra mail header lines:
Your message was posted OK, but there was an error trying to mail it. The news icon has been unchecked, so if you try to resend the message, YA-NewsWatcher will not post a second copy.
Sorry, YA-NewsWatcher does not permit posting to more than 20 groups.
Could not find the URL helper program “%s”.
There is not enough memory to run the URL helper program “%s”.
Checking for new articles.
Opening news server connection.
%s %s
YA-NewsWatcher version %s
Server domain name: %s
Server IP address: %s
Unexpected error %d trying to run the URL helper program “%s”.
Syntax error.
Group not in full group list.
Group deleted on news server.
Missing group name
Checking for new articles.
Directory full.
Getting group list from host.
None of the articles were canceled, because you are not the author.
Save group list as:
Sending group list to host.
sizeof(TPrefRec) is %d, should be %d
An error occurred during the startup process, or you canceled the startup process. You may adjust YA-NewsWatcher’s preferences, but you will not be able to read or post news.
YA-NewsWatcher Preferences
News Prefs
Disk full.
Personal YA-NewsWatcher folder name:
Could not find an appropriate URL helper program.
An unexpected error occurred: %d [%ld].
This is the font and size in which YA-NewsWatcher group and subject lists are displayed.
This is the font and size in which YA-NewsWatcher article and message windows are displayed.
You must quit and restart the program for the news server change to take effect.
There are no pages in the range you specified.
Save article as:
Save message as:
Disk I/O error.
Searching group:
No matching articles were found.
Search Groups
You must check at least one of the icons before you can send this message.
You must supply a subject before you can send this message.
You must supply at least one newsgroup before you can post this message.
You must supply at least one recipient (to, cc, or bcc) before you can mail this message.
Posting message.
Mailing message.
Select “”
Select “%s”
YA-NewsWatcher Status
YA-NewsWatcher Log
Getting article headers:
The selected article could not be opened, because it no longer exists on the news server.
None of the selected articles could be opened, because they no longer exist on the news server.
Some of the selected articles could not be opened, because they no longer exist on the news server.
Some of the groups are no longer available on the server. They were skipped.
The text you dragged is too big to insert into this field.
The text you dragged cannot be inserted because it contains a character which is not legal in this field.
The article cache on the YA-NewsWatcher Prefs file was damaged or in an illegal format. The cache has been flushed. Error #%ld
File is locked or busy.
Log opened.
YA-NewsWatcher version %s
C = server command. R = server response.
Could not open log file. No log will be written.
Log closed.
The clipboard cannot be pasted because it contains a character which is not legal in this field.
You cannot type any more characters into this field.
Deleted Groups
Volume is locked.
%ld articles were not canceled, because you are not the author.
Getting and saving article.
Getting and saving article %ld of %ld.
Could not locate the default folder for saving articles.
Could not locate the default folder for saving messages.
Could not locate the download folder for extracting binaries.
Save temporary file as:
Extracting binaries.
Extracting binaries, part %ld of %ld.
Some parts are missing. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
Extracting binaries, article %ld of %ld, part %ld of %ld.
The article does not contain any attached files.
All of the articles you selected have missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
One article was skipped because it does not contain any attached files.
%ld articles were skipped because they do not contain any attached files.
One article was skipped because it has missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
%ld articles were skipped because they have missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
If the parts are not in the right order, drag them to put them in the right order.
Message body:
The information for the groups you are trying to paste or insert is corrupt, or the version of YA-NewsWatcher you are using is too old to understand it.
You have already subscribed to some of the groups you’re %s. Do you want to replace them with the ones you’re %s?
You have already subscribed to the group “%s”. Do you want to replace it with the one you’re %s?
Diskette is write protected.
The article or one of its parts no longer exists on your news server.
One article was skipped because the article or one of its parts no longer exists on your news server.
%ld articles were skipped because the articles or one of their parts no longer exist on your news server.
Getting and printing article.
Getting and printing article %ld of %ld.
Printed for %.100s (%.100s)
Save file as:
The article cannot be canceled because it does not contain a “Newsgroups” header line.
The saved preferences in the file named “%s” are missing, damaged or invalid. YA-NewsWatcher will use its default preference settings.
Bad YA-NewsWatcher Prefs
Could not locate printer driver in Extensions folder.
You must use the Chooser to select a printer before you can print.
The nntp URL you are trying to open is not in the correct format:
The disk is locked. Click “OK”, unlock the disk, then reinsert it.
Could not erase the floppy. You may have a bad floppy disk or a bad disk drive.
Could not initialize Open Transport.
The referenced article or group does not exist on the news server.
Unknown URL or URL syntax error. (YA-NewsWatcher can only handle news, nntp, and mailto URLs.)
The file you selected is not an application.
Your desktop database is probably damaged. You must rebuild it before you can use this helper program. See Appendix A of the user document for details.
You must supply a message body before you can send this message. YA-NewsWatcher does not permit sending empty messages.
YA-NewsWatcher does not permit posting articles which contain only quoted text. You must add at least one comment before you can post this message.
The email address you entered is invalid. Your email address must be in the form “user@host”, where “host” is a “fully qualified domain name”. For example, “j-doe@flunku.edu”.
(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:
Post the message as news
Send the message as email
Mail a copy of the message to yourself
You cannot define helpers for the “nntp” and “news” URLs. These URLs are always handled by YA-NewsWatcher, without using a helper program.
The URL scheme “%s” is already in the list and has a helper. If you want to change the helper for this scheme, use the “Change” button.
The saved URL helper program preferences on the file named “%s” are damaged or invalid. YA-NewsWatcher will use its default URL helper programs.
Available application memory: %ld kB
YA-NewsWatcher does not permit more then 20 groups in the “Followup-To” field.
Your email address is not valid. You must fix this before you can send any mail messages or post any news articles. The email address is set by the “Message Options” preferences panel and by clicking on the “Settings” button in message windows.
Your signature is longer than the recommended limit of no more than 4 lines of 80 characters each. To be courteous to others, please consider making it shorter.
The author of the article to which you are responding requested that followups be mailed instead of posted. For this reason, the “Post as news” icon is unchecked, and the “Send as email” icon is checked.
Your full name is not valid. You must fix this before you can send any mail messages or post any news articles. The full name is set by the “Message Options” preferences panel and by clicking on the “Settings” button in message windows.
The full name you entered contains an invalid character and cannot be used. The 6 characters "()<>/ plus ASCII characters 0 through 31 and 127 are forbidden.
The author of the article to which you are responding requested a courtesy email copy of your followup. For this reason, both the “Post as news” and “Send as email” icons are checked.
Post Article
Mail Message
Send Message
Could not find the attached file.
Could not open the attached file.
Posting message part %ld of %ld.
Mailing message part %ld of %ld.
Desktop on
News encoding:
Mail encoding:
Could not create the BinHex temp file.
Could not open the BinHex temp file.
Could not write the BinHex temp file.
Creating the BinHex temp file.
The correct newsgroup for the filter could not be determined, probably because the window is an article window opened by reference. The global filter group “.” will be used instead.
Attach a file to the message
The value must be between %ld and %ld inclusive.
Show Column Labels
Hide Column Labels
You cannot sort subject windows by author because neither the “Show Authors” nor the “Use XOVER” preferences are checked.
You cannot sort subject windows by date because none of the “Show Dates” or “Show Times” or “Use XOVER’ preferences are checked.
Select a filter label.
For Global Group
For Regional Group
For Local Group
This message file was not created with this version of YA-NewsWatcher. Some settings have been lost.
%ld filters were expired.
The old preferences file could not be backup up.
There are no parts to the attached file to upload. Did you perhaps try to uuencode a Mac application? That will never work.
Creating and sorting message threads.
Processing newsgroup names.
Backing up the prefs file.
Backing up the filters file.
Processed %ld of %ld filters using %ld filter groups.
Removing labeling and scores from articles.
YA-NewsWatcher Translators
YA-NewsWatcher Settings
The “YA-NewsWatcher Settings” folder could not be found or created.
The filters and settings file “%s” could not be found or created.
^0 ^1 “^2”
Downloading “%s”, line %ld of %ld (%ld kB @ %ld cps), %ld pending.
You cannot sort subject windows by line counts because neither the the “Show Lines” nor the “Use XOVER” preferences are checked.
The name of the newsgroup corresponding to this window could not be determined.
YA-NewsWatcher Scripts
YA-NewsWatcher Nicknames
Show Status
Hide Status
Show Queued Transfers List
Hide Queued Transfers List
Converting your Eudora Nicknames file.
Opening the selected article.
Opening the selected articles.
You have not set your location in the “Map” or “Date and Time” control panels. Some dates will not be displayed correctly until you set your location and restart YA-NewsWatcher.
Macintosh -> ISO 8859-1
ISO 8859-1 -> Macintosh
%s %d point
Macintosh -> US ASCII
This is the font and size in which YA-NewsWatcher subject lists are displayed.
This is the font and size in which YA-NewsWatcher article windows are displayed.
This is the font and size in which YA-NewsWatcher message windows are displayed.
The headers obtained using XOVER are damaged or malformed. You should immediately disable the “Use XOVER” option and notify the news server administrator. Failure to heed this warning may result in a crash.
YA-NewsWatcher Startup
Export window contents as:
Low #
High #
Group Name
sizeof(TPrefRec2) is %d, should be %d
sizeof(TNewsgroupSet) is %d, should be %d
If you post your reply, it will be cross-posted to %ld newsgroups. Please consider trimming the Newsgroups header to include fewer groups.
Creating message threads.
Sorting message threads.
Creating subject list.
%ld filters with unrecognized header names were found while reading the filters file. They will be removed when the file is saved.
Delete image file after viewing
Resize image to fit the window, maintaining proportions.
Show Icon Buttons
Hide Icon Buttons
No filter was created because the article header could not be obtained.
Pause automatic image display
Marking cross-posts as read.
Getting server information.
Getting newsgroup descriptions.
Your filters file is an unusable version. It will be renamed with a (bad) suffix. A new, empty filter set will be created.
The filter file could not be backed up.
ignoring case
Show the filter that labeled the selected article
The article was not labeled.
The filter that labeled the article was not found.
You cannot type any more characters here. No more than 255 characters are permitted.
Hiding articles.
Show if name
Hiding Newsgroups.
1 group, %ld selected, %ld hidden
%ld groups, %ld selected, %ld hidden
Available temporary memory: %ld kB
YA-NewsWatcher Servers
The filters file “%s” is damaged (error %d when reading or writing personalities information).
The filters file “%s” is damaged (the personalities information is the wrong size).
The personality “%s” could not be found.
Personality names must be unique.
The personality data was corrupt. All personalities other than the default one were deleted.
Settings Name:
A newsgroup setting of that name already exists.
Display the Newsgroup Settings Dialog
There is no newsgroup setting to edit.
Deleted Newsgroups
For the group list
Your anti-UCE email address is not valid. You must fix this before you can post any news articles. The anti-UCE email address is set by the “Message Options” preferences panel and by clicking on the “Settings” button in message windows.
You cannot supersede this article, because you are not the author.
The article cannot be superseded because it does not contain a “Message-ID” header line.
The article cannot be superseded because it does not contain a “Newsgroups” header line.
%ld articles can not be superseded, because you are not the author.
Preparing superseding article %ld of %ld.
Preparing superseding article.
Mail Copy:
[[ This message was also posted as:
• Info
Display the info window for this image
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]
Groups in %s and not in %s:
Full Group List Comparison
Delete movie file after viewing
Set playback options for the movie.
Select a Text Color:
Delete message file after sending
Article Number
Could not get a required network resource. There may be a problem with your network connection.
Could not complete the network operation. There may be a problem with your network connection.
An error occurred when YA-NewsWatcher tried to close a window, or you canceled while quitting the program. Do you want to quit anyway? If you quit, you may lose changes you made to some of the windows.
Could not get the address of the server.
The most common causes of this error are: You typed the server address incorrectly, your domain name server information is not configured correctly, your domain name server is down, or there is a problem with your network connection.
Could not open connection to the server.
The most common causes of this error are: There is no server running on this host, the server is down, the host is down, or there is a problem with your network connection.
Lost connection to the server.
The server may be down or misbehaving, the host may be down, or there may be a problem with your network connection.
Could not connect to news server. Do you want to try again?
To make more memory available, try closing some windows or compacting the article cache.
YA-NewsWatcher has already sent the article to your news server. If you canceled this operation because you posted by mistake, you should click the “Cancel Article” button below to make certain the article is not posted.
Cancel Article
To rebuild the full group list, YA-NewsWatcher must first close all open user group list windows and subject windows. Is this OK?
An error occurred when YA-NewsWatcher tried to close a window, or you canceled while quitting the program. Do you want to quit anyway? If you quit, you may lose changes you made to some of the windows.
Do you really wish to switch servers by opening the new preference file? All open windows will be closed and any queued operations will be canceled.
There is not enough memory to complete the current command or operation. Close any unneeded windows and then try again.
To give YA-NewsWatcher more memory, quit the program. In the Finder, select the YA-NewsWatcher program icon, then use the Finder’s “Get Info” command. Increase YA-NewsWatcher’s memory size in the Get Info window.
Choose a File to Attach
Choose a File to Insert
Export File
Choose the Helper Application
Choose the Eudora Addressbook File
Are you sure you want to post this message to %d groups? Posting to more than 5 groups is usually frowned upon.
In addition, if you insist on doing this, we strongly encourage you to use the “Followup-To” header to restrict followups to a single group, or at least to a smaller number of groups.
Pick a New Name
The file “%s” already exists.
If you are certain you installed the helper program, and YA-NewsWatcher still can’t find it, you probably need to rebuild your desktop.
You have %d groups in the “Followup-To” field of this message. Having more than 5 groups in this field is usually frowned upon.
Are you sure you want to do this?
The original poster requested that courtesy email copies never be sent.
Are you sure you want to both post and mail your followup?
The original poster requested that courtesy email copies always be sent.
Are you sure you want to post your followup but not mail it?
Do you really wish to delete the selected newsgroup settings? This operation cannot be undone.
Don't Close
The attempt to send your group list back to the remote host failed. Do you wish to ignore the failure and close the group window anyway?
YA-NewsWatcher Help
Internet Config seems not to be fully installed. File mapping will not work correctly.
The file “%s” could not be created.
The file “%s” could not be opened.
The file “%s” could not be read. Error %d.
The file “%s” could not be written. Error %d.
The file “%s” could not be renamed.
The resource fork portion of the AppleDouble file “%s” was not decoded successfully.
You need to enter a news server address. It can be either a domain name (host.sub.domain) or an IP address ( The domain name is preferred.
Append Article
Append Article to File:
YA-NewsWatcher Stationery
The “YA-NewsWatcher Stationery” folder could not be found or created.
The stationery “%s” could not be found.
The anti-UCE email address you entered is invalid. Your anti-UCE email address must be in the form “user@host”, where “host” is a “fully qualified domain name”. For example, “j-doe@flunku.edu”.
Do you really wish to quit YA-NewsWatcher? Any queued operations will be canceled.
The default folder for saving articles cannot be located.
The default folder for saving binaries cannot be located.
Do you wish to choose a new folder?
No error.
YA-NewsWatcher Transfers
The queued transfers file “%s” is damaged (error %d when reading or writing queued transfers file).
The queued transfers file “%s” is invalid: it has the wrong file type or creator.
Your queued transfers file is an unusable version. It will not be read, and will be replaced when a new queued transfers file is written.
YA-NewsWatcher Outbox
The “YA-NewsWatcher Outbox” folder could not be found or created.
You can't display information for pending or current items.
Creating the BinHex temp file for message “%s,” %ld pending.
Posting message “%s” part %ld of %ld, %ld pending.
Mailing message “%s” part %ld of %ld, %ld pending.
Posting message “%s,” %ld pending.
Mailing message “%s,” %ld pending.
Orphaned message rescued from the “YA-NewsWatcher Outbox” folder. It may or may not have been sent successfully.
Orphaned Message Files Found
At least one message file was found in the “YA-NewsWatcher Outbox” folder that did not have a corresponding saved queued message. All such messages have been added back into the queue for possible re-sending.
Show Filters List
Hide Filters List
Filters List
1 filter, %ld selected
%ld filters, %ld selected
Filter group name
Header is
Sort by
Match text contains
Edit the single selected filter or modify the settings of the selected filters
Create a new filter
Delete the selected filters
Duplicate the selected filter
Edit the selected filter group
Create a new filter group
Delete the selected filter groups
Duplicate the selected filter group
You can't drag-reorder filters with the current window settings.
To permit drag-reordering, set the topmost popup menu to “is” and enter the name of the filter group in the textbox. Then set the second popup to display “all” headers, set the sort popup to “normal” ascending order, and clear the match string textbox.
Not Matching:
Last Used:
You can't paste filters with the current window settings.
To permit pasting, set the topmost popup menu to “is” and enter the name of the filter group in the textbox to define which filter group should receive the pasted filters.
date is older than %ld and newer than %ld days
date is older than %ld days
date is newer than %ld days
line count is shorter than %ld and longer than %ld lines
line count is shorter than %ld lines
line count is longer than %ld lines
Don't Save
Do you want to save the changes to the window “Filters List” before quitting this application?
Do you want to save the changes to the YA-NewsWatcher window “Filters List” before closing it?
Display the info window for this movie
You may be trying to reply to an invalid email address.
Check to see if the email address needs to be edited to make it a valid reply address.